Dante networking: Ports and protocols

A few facts and figures about Dante packets on the Network

Protocol and ports used by Dante, all UDP

ProtocolSrc. IPSrc. PortDest. IPDest. PortDescription
PTP (v1)All Dante
all224.0.1.129319, 320Clock, Synchronization
of Dante network
MDNSAll Dante
all224.0.0.2515353Device info for Dante
Controller Software
unknown multicastAll Dante
all224.0.0.2318700-8704, 8800Dante Control and
unknown unicastAll Dante
allUnit Receiving stream 4440,4444, 4455Dante Routing
unknown multicastAll Dante
all239.255.x.x4321Audio Broadcast
unknown unicastAll Dante
allUnit Receiving stream 14336-14600Audio Unicast

Multi and unicasts

  • Be aware that multicast’s are always sent, even when there is no “subscriber”. So the network components can be overloaded even if nowhere sound play’s
  • Unicast’s are only sent  if there is a valid routing and the receiving Dante unit is alive. Maximum 2 concurrent Dante Unicast can be sent per unit/stream. A third assigned unit will play nothing until one of the two unicast’s are free